July 1, 2014


Today was supposed to be a post about my summer reading list challenge, but since I haven't finished any more books it's kind of pointless to write about it. (I'm currently in the middle of The Memory Keeper's Daughter and am enjoying it.)

{he's the cutest!}
{too hot at the dog park}
My mind is kind of blown that it's JULY already. I don't know where the time has gone. One of my best friends flies in tomorrow and then my sister and her husband (still weird to say), and my dad fly in the following day. I'm excited for all the quality time with loved ones. June was a really good month. While Dave traveled for work my Momma and I got to spend a lot of fun time together-mostly over food, which I love. Dave and I love being back together and don't take those moments for granted. Finley, as usual, is the center of our lives but he's so stinkin cute it's ok.



  1. So adorable. My pup hates the dog park. She's kind of a bully, so I don't want to bring her anyway. Glad you enjoyed your time, looks like a blast!

  2. Yay for all the family visits!! Finley really is a cutie! I love the picture of Dave running the hose for him! Soo cute! Also you and your momma are just the cutest!! So glad they live so close to you guys!!

  3. Oh my gosh, that pup is the absolute CUTEST! The one of him in the baby pool- ha! (My cat would enjoy that, actually)


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