December 23, 2013

The best of friends

Wow, this weekend was such a good one. It's amazing how happy having my best friend and her baby girl in town made me. There was no agenda, we just played it by ear and enjoyed our quality time together. With Dave and my move to Florida it's not often we get to see Megan and even when we lived up north she always had family she had to see so our time was limited. It was great to have Meg all to myself this weekend and to just enjoying us being together again by ourselves for seriously the first time in a long time. I got to spend some quality one on one time with little miss Caroline in the mornings when I kicked Meg out of the house to go running by herself. It was such sweet time with her little girl and I'm even more crazy about her than I was before. I was also reminded of just how strong Meg and my relationship is. We've been through so much both individually and together as best friends. We've seen each other through heart break, hard times, best of times, and I know we'll continue to stay close and develop our friendship as the years go by.
I'm so grateful that she took the time to come visit and I'm so very blessed with the best friends. It was a hard goodbye at the airport yesterday morning but I know I'll see her soon.

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