June 7, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear June, I'm seriously in awe that you're here. Time seems to be flying by. Dear Dave, thank you for always being here for me. I love you. You're the most amazing man and if I don't say it enough, I need you. All the time. Dear prayer warriors, thank you for your prayers these past couple of weeks and especially today. Dear Arrested Development, I'm glad you're back and parts are really funny but it's not the same. Dear Dave, I am SO PROUD of you! Congrats on the job offer-we can rest easy now knowing we have an option in Fl. And I know you have a few others coming your way as well. I'm so lucky to have such a hard working, smart man. Dear Aubrey, you don't know how much your sweet words mean to me. Thank you for always being so uplifting.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Awe!!! Congrats on the job offer to the husband! Such good news.

  2. Oh Lauren! You are too sweet!! You have always been one of my favorite friends with some of the absolute best memories from my time in Germany! I hope that one day {soon} we can meet up again!!!! LOVE YOU!


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