October 29, 2012

Best Friends Weekend

Maddie and her mommy

Our artwork!
This past weekend I drove down to Ft. Bragg, NC to visit my best friend Megan. Since she's moved from the DC area we have seen each other a hand full of times but it's always been in big groups so some one on one quality time was much overdue. Her husband was sweet and took off to visit his sister for the weekend as well so it really was just girls time (with their dog Maddie too). 
It was just nice to be together to talk and catch up and hang out. We explored downtown Fayetteville for dinner and saw a bunch of zombies for their zombie walk! Saturday night we went to wine, canvas and paint and took a class to paint "windy day trees." We didn't partake in the wine because Meg is 19 weeks pregnant! That was also a really cool thing about this weekend was being able to see her little baby bump and talk about the baby. It's hard missing out on these things with my best friend but I think we do a really good job of keeping in touch and we'll have to have more girls weekends in the future.

I love you Meg and can't wait to see you again!


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