March 25, 2013


 Happy Monday! 
Just a few pictures from our weekend. Dave and I spent Saturday night at the mall. I spent my birthday money on a new watch, and we went to a late movie (Admission). But since we had parked at the lot right outside of Macy's and they closed part of the mall for cleaning we had a little adventure walking out in the cold to the truck. Poor Dave left his jacket at home and was a little chilly walking around.
Car adventure...or creepy Walking Dead scene? 
I also crafted a canvas for my friend who just found out she's having a boy this summer. Not too bad for my first try. Hope you all had a great weekend.


  1. that canvas is amazing.. i think i hear ETSY calling... :)

  2. You are seriously rocking those bangs Mrs. Bounds!! :) And that royal blue looks amazing on you and your dark hair!!!


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