March 22, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear School, I am going to get a handle on you. I am going to excel and I'm not going to let you stress me out. Dear friends and family, thank you for making my birthday special and making me feel so loved. Dear Caroline, I cannot wait to come and hold you, you sweet little angel. Dear Megan, good job best friend! Love you and can't wait to come hug you and hold your daughter. Dear Spaz, I want to meet your boyfriend already-get on it with a double Skype date. Dear spring, seriously? I woke up to snow yesterday. What is your deal? I'm ready for some warmer weather, so please cooperate. Dear Dave, you're on-I'm totally going to beat you with my March Madness bracket. Dear blog, I hope over the next couple of weeks while I get into the groove with school that I don't neglect you. Maybe I'll have someone guest post. How do you even go about doing that? Anyone? Dear Dave, I hope I don't take you for granted. I appreciate all you do for us and love that even when you were on your way home from work at 8 o'clock last night you still went to the store for me to pick up eggs because I asked you to. You're an amazing and wonderful man and I am so very blessed. I love you.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend. Any fun plans?



  1. We got snow yesterday morning too, just 2 days after I bought sandals at Target. I'm super bummed and I'm ready for spring like NOW! Found you via the link up! xoxo

    1. Love the link up! Arggg so sick of snow. Hoping spring will come around soon!

  2. It WILL happen. Just figuring out when. Don't worry though. ;) And now at least you've e-mailed back and forth, right?

    1. Haha true, but I still need a face to face!


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