July 21, 2014

Guest Post: The Ingredients for a Perfect Saturday

Hi guys! While Dave and I are off on vacation I have some amazing girls guest posting. We're going to start off with one of my favorite blog friends turned real friends, Cassie. 

Hello Bound by Love readers, it's me again- Cassie from Sage! I am so happy to be with you guys today while Lauren is off enjoying her vacation. I am a newlywed, west coast transplant living in the Midwest and attending graduate school. I like to think I am pretty interesting, but that could just be my self-serving bias... oops. Anyways, I hope you will stick around!

I'm not going to lie. I have had this post in my own drafts for some time. I can be indecisive, and I have about a million things to talk about so it was difficult to narrow down my thoughts. HOWEVER, I am here to save the day because I have FINALLY put together a list of the ingredients for a perfect Saturday. At least my perfect Saturday!

1. SLEEPING IN. Now, this doesn't always happen, especially because my cats think that the best time to wake up is 5:30am. Also, our idea of sleeping in is like 8am, so if I make it to then I am pretty stoked.

{omg is that even for real? Cassie I want it!!! Makes my heart melt}
2. Breakfast in bed. My husband is amazing, he is always up before me on the weekends cooking breakfast for us. I don't hate it.

3. COFFEE. Literally- it is not a Saturday without coffee and cat cuddles. It's just not. 

6. More coffee and quiet time. 

5. A nice long bike ride. We are big cyclists and love to get out for a long ride on Saturdays together. Sometimes we even venture out of our introvertedness and ride with friends.

6. Netflix & a nap. Because who doesn't love both of these things? And after a long ride this is just about the only thing that sounds appealing.

7.  A homemade dinner. Since we are trying to save money by not eating out, a lot of the time we eat at home, even on the weekends. I don't mind because I really love cooking, especially since it is summer and I can convince my husband to grill!

8. Out early for drinks and sometimes even dessert. 

8. A bonfire in our awesome backyard. Our backyard recently got a facelift so we really love to spend time back there lately.

9. Getting to bed early with a good book. Because relaxation, duh.

What are your ingredients for a perfect Saturday?

Thanks so much Cassie! Aren't her cats adorable?


  1. This all sounds perfect, lots of coffee!!

  2. Crazy cat lady over here! Thanks for having me!!

  3. Oh my goodness those cats are too cute!! That sounds like an awesome Saturday!! We have been wanting to put a fire pit in our backyard! That might have to be on our list of to-dos as fall gets closer!!

    1. You definitely should! That one is just a steel ring and it was only about $40 :)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day and your husband sounds awesome! The closest I can get mine to making me breakfast is a handing me a bowl of cereal :) My perfect Saturday starts with a long run with my running group and ends with going to church and dinner with my family... in between ideally is a long nap.

    1. Yes for long runs! And he likes to make breakfast so I take it where I can get it ;)

  5. Oh my gosh that sounds like the most perfect Saturday ever! I want one like that! Love that M cooks breakfast for you, Cassie :) I need my hubby to learn how! haha. And that is the cutest cat photo ever! Did you take that?!

    1. Yes, I took that photo! He's so cute in that photo it was right after we got him haha


I love hearing from you so please leave a comment, however keep in mind "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."