February 21, 2014


Dear Nicole, It's weird being at a full time job without you. We were very lucky to have each other and I miss you more this week than ever. Everyone is very nice but it's not the same. Dear Tera, your envelope liners are beeeeeeyoutiful. It's been so nice seeing you the past couple of weeks and having some quality time to hang out!
Dear blog readers, I promise to try and be back more next week. Dear eye, WTF-two eye aura's this week where I can't see anything. It's scary-please stop. Especially since I'm starting a new job and the excuse "I can't see" doesn't sound like a real thing. Dear Finley, you are so big now. It makes me kind of sad how big you've gotten and that my little puppy is officially grown up. Dear Dave, I will love you no matter what you look like. You're a real trooper this week with getting Shingles at 28! Dear Connecticut (and sometimes Florida) Mac's, I miss you guys already. Hurry back! I'm so glad my plan for all our loved ones to move down here is working! Your house is gorgeous and it's too funny we have the same dining room table. You've got some good taste! 
{Katie P's instagram pic-now I'm self conscience about my head size}

Dear Momma, I promise we're going to find some time for quality time together. It's been a crazy week, but I do miss you. Dear Dad (look a shout out!) thanks for coming by to just hug me and give me the Fl map present when you were in town.  Dear Spaz and Nate, I miss you guys and can't wait to schedule Skype dates so we can hear about your honeymoon in Hawaii! Dear Mary and Katie, I'm so glad you guys are here visiting. You will ROCK your half marathon on Sunday-so no worries. I'm going to continue to work on you both moving down here!
Enjoy your weekend!

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