January 10, 2014


Dear weekend, I'm so excited that I don't work at the mall until Sunday night. It's like my first full relaxing weekend and I'm ready to just chill. Dear new church, I really like you and I look forward to attending on Sunday! Dear Mom, let's try to keep it together in church with each other this time ok? We're so similar we make each other cry. Crazy ladies. Dear Spaz, hope grading is going well. I miss you and can't wait till we can get back to regular week Skype dates. Dear Tera, I love our Bible study, thanks for doing this one with me. I feel like we're growing as Christians and friends! (gag that was cheesy). Dear gruyere cheese, I love you so much but dang you're an expensive block of cheese. Don't know how I'm going to justify buying an $8 block when I just eat it all myself. But yum. Dear Nicole, now that you have a Cameo too let's have card-offs with our free shapes! Dear Aubrey, I've been meaning to catch up with you on life but I want to tell you before then that your photograph's are beautiful and I'm so proud of you friend. Dear Finley, you are sooo cute.


  1. Oh you!! Thank you!!! It blesses my heart to hear you say that!! I'm out of town for the week, but when I get back, let's catch up!!!! :) Love you!!

  2. I'm loving our bible study and time together too! Lets hope it's a little more uplifting this week ;)


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