September 6, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear friends, I love you guys. Thank you all for being so good at keeping in touch. I'm really blessed to have such good friends that call and email and keep me in the loop. I miss you but am glad we're all making it work. Let's keep at it! Dear Grammies, I love that I can call you to just chat. You're an amazing spitfire of a woman and I enjoy our relationship. Dear parent's house, I'm excited to move into you. I'm going to really enjoy using the pool! Dear parents, I miss you guys already. Can't wait until you come back. It was a great week having you here. Dear Spaz, I hope you're feeling better and that your first week back of teaching is going well. Dear Kelli, I'm so glad we went and got sushi last night. It's so nice to have a sweet new friend in town. Dear fantasy football, you make watching so much more exciting. Dear Dave, I'm excited to go back and see the puppies this weekend with you. You're amazing for loving my family as much as I do and having fun hanging out with them. On a random note, I'm so glad I get to see a side of you no one else does. I'm so lucky and love that we keep some things to just us. I think that's important.

Dear God, Thank you. I feel so blessed and am so thankful for all that I've been blessed with.

Have a great weekend everyone!



I love hearing from you so please leave a comment, however keep in mind "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."