June 21, 2013


first day 

Dear Summer, I'm so glad you've officially arrived. Hello sweet friend. Dear Dave, I'm so excited to have a summer vacation with you. I'm excited to get the opportunity to do nothing but sleep in, explore, go to the beach and be carefree together. Can it start now? Dear beach, I'm going to be seeing a lot of you soon, get ready for me. Dear everyone, I do NOT tan. Stop telling me I will because I don't. I am pale and that's ok by me. I'm going to be a happy girl with a floppy hat and lots of sunscreen. Dear work, 4 more work days left! I can't believe, it's going to be a bittersweet goodbye. Dear weekend, I'm excited to have some of Dave's family in town visiting. Dear Spaz and Tera, I love talking wedding with you two. So excited for this phase of life for you guys.

What are your summer plans?

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I love hearing from you so please leave a comment, however keep in mind "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."