November 28, 2012


I'm not one to have outfits of the day on here but I couldn't help take a picture of my new sweater yesterday. I love that it adds a bit of festive sparkle to my work outfit. I know sparkle shouldn't be reserved for only Christmastime but I seem to still have that mindset. It's one I'm slowly working on.

Speaking of sparkle, I had some of these plain and sparkly tree ornaments that I didn't know what to do with. I like ornaments with a story and not ones that are just plain bulbs so I decided to put them in one of my big glass containers and use them as a centerpiece for our table. You could do this with any plain ornaments that you get from the dollar store. This is a cheap way to liven up a table and pretty easy to change out. 

Dave's train that goes round the tree

1 comment:

  1. Your blog makes me happy. So Christmas-y!! Love it. We're decorating for Christmas this weekend...oh yeah!!!

    And, one of my students was wearing a similar sweater yesterday; so strange! Also, I like plain ornaments. I think they are classy. ;)

    With love and Christmas joy- your sister friend.


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