November 1, 2012

How Pinteresting

The issue with Pinterest is I want to bake everything, make everything, decorate a house I don't own, and throw parties weekly! More time than not I have tried a Pinterest project and have failed especially making me feel like the Pintester herself (hilarious blog btw). I found something on there that Dave and  I could do together that wouldn't be too hard. I love this "growth chart" ruler for a house. You don't even  have to have kids for this to make an appearance in your home, I just like the vintage charm it adds to a room.

side by side comparison

Dave and I tackled this project together. It was great because it gave him something handy to do out in the garage with his new sawhorses and I really wanted one to hang on our wall. The process was fairly easy.

We bought the piece of wood from Home Depot, I picked out the one I liked the best. I chose one with some knots in it to give it more character. Then we stained it, and let it dry overnight. From there Dave got to work with his square  spacing out the measurements and penciling lines in. After that we used painters tape to outline them so that we could paint the marks. We let those dry overnight and then we went on to adding the numbers. That's where we ran into problems. We tried using a stencil and painting over it, but that bled. Then we tried a different stencil and used a sponge, but that bled as well. All we could come up with was to trace the numbers with the stencil and then hand paint them on. It's tedious and you have to have a steady hand but I'm really happy with how it turned out. The only real differences between the two is that our stain was much darker and that they mad it look more like a ruler by adding all the measure lines.

All in all it's been fun and I'm glad Dave and I did this together. And I'm even more glad that he did the measuring because me and math don't get along!

What do you think? Did we do ok for our first attempt?

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