February 5, 2012

From the Man Himself

{Picture Dave took this evening}
And now an update from Dave himself:
Hey everyone, so far so good.  Seven months down and I come home for R&R in about a month.  I can't wait.  The days are finally getting longer here in Afghanistan, and it's warming up a little too.  Work keeps me busy and the people I work with are....interesting...so the days go fast.  I just ordered a new pair of running shoes I'm excited to get.  They're shoes you're supposed to run barefoot in, and supposedly they help strengthen muscles you don't normally use when running in traditional running shoes.  I've been going to the gym almost every day for the last month or so, it's a good way to release some stress and stay healthy.  I'm really glad I should be able to see many of you on R&R, and Lauren and I couldn't be more excited about
our honeymoon in Jamaica!!  I'm gonna smoke so much weed...(kidding...)  Lauren and I are also figuring out our first living arrangement together, which we're both looking forward to.  I'm in a poker group that plays about once a week, so I look forward to that every week.  I recently applied to go back and teach at West Point, and should be finding out in the next month whether or not I got accepted into the program.  The Army will pay for my masters degree and pay me my full Army salary while I'm a full-time student.
It's a great program, but it's very competitive so we'll see.  I just want to thank everyone again for all their continued support, not only to me, but also to Lauren, who truly has the hardest job in the Army of being an Army wife.  I'm so proud of her and she has been AMAZING to me, my friends, and my family since July of last year.  OK, well I'm about to go watch the superbowl.  GO GIANTS!!

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