March 8, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Bangs, you're kinda fun. Let's see how long it takes me to get annoyed with you. Dear Ice outside my door yesterday, thanks a lot. I fell and now have a scrape on my knee like I'm 7 years old. Oweee. Dear weekend, thank goodness you're here. I feel like I always say that. I really am trying to embrace the time left here but some things at work just make it hard to like going there every day. Dear Nicole, I love you friend. Dear mall, I'll be visiting you this weekend to replace my ripped pants from said fall yesterday. Dear Glee, some good songs on last nights episode! Dear Spaz, I love that we've Skyped a bunch this week, hope to meet the boyfriend (on Skype soon). & I love you lots. Dear Dave, thank you for always taking care of me; for putting a band-aid on my knee yesterday morning and not making fun of me because I cried. I love that you just like being near me and for all the small special things only I know. I love you. Dear 21 Jump Street, it is my goal to watch you this weekend. I will find a Redbox that has you, I promise. Dear Katie P, loved spending time with you yesterday, our craft night, baking, and prayer time. You are one amazing friend.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend!


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