May 9, 2014


Dear Dave, YAY for a weekend together! Dear Mom and Dad, I'm glad you guys are together for the next month or so. Enjoy it! Dear Finley, you ready to go back to the dog park this weekend? I'm ready to let you run out all your energy. Dear Sister Friend, let's find some time this weekend to Facetime and catch up. I miss you. Dear Book Challenge, I'm really enjoying you. Finished my first book already. And although I was disappointed with it I'm excited for the book I'm reading now. Dear Finley, I don't know why, but you're being so funny with your tongue lately. You let it loll out of the sides of you mouth.
Dear Dave, I'm so excited for a weekend of date night, beach time, cabinet choosing for the wet bar, and much needed quality time together. You're my favorite and I'm so glad I get to spend life with you. Thanks for making every day better, I love you.

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